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04Jul, 24/ 161 views

Mission accomplished

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED : CEV technologies to roll out the EV charging mangement solution in Croatia and abroad. 01.07.2024,  CEV technologies; launch of our smart energy business solution in Zagreb Croatia. Finally we are live with our business solution, which we have been working on for the last two years. This is a great milestone for the company …

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04Jul, 24/ 118 views

Energy summit Munich 18th of Jun 2024

CEV technologies attending Energy summit on 18th of Jun in Munich Germany. Wow, what a Summit under the sunny sky of Munich! The event started off with an opening from Christoph Strasser , CEO of MaxSolar, setting the stage for focused discussions on commercial and industrial decentralized energy solutions in Germany and Europe. This was followed by …

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07Mar, 24/ 698 views

New eMobility solution of CEV technologies on the market

We believe that many eMobility solutions on the global market are not easy to use for the endcustomers. As we at  CEV technologies d.o.o.  want to be cx solution provider, we have created our own solution of eMobility. We think this is where the future of this business is going to. With our eMobility solution you don’t need to have any membersh …

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31Jan, 24/ 1 view

Soft launch payment solution CEV

CEV technologies eMobility solution will start national wide soft launch of direct card payment in February 2024. At our 2 locations METRO Jankomir and METRO Sesvete, we will go live with our NFC card acceptance payment solution in February 2024. We know that according to AFIR , public charging (CPO) in EU will have to have card payment solution in …

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22Jan, 24/ 584 views

New Partnership Announcement CEV technologies and Wallbox

In new year 2024 CEV technologies  Croatia  is glad to announce new strategic partnership with Wallbox Spain , one of the most dedicated and outstanding BEV charging  development company in the industry. With the sets of goals in common,  CEV technologies  and Wallbox will strive to work towards valuable ideas and provide inno …

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10Jan, 24/ 508 views

New Partnership Announcement CEV technologies and KEBA

In new year 2024 CEV technologies  Croatia  is glad to announce new strategic partnership with KEBA  Austria , one of the most dedicated and outstanding BEV charging  development company in the industry. With the sets of goals in common,  CEV technologies  and KEBA  will strive to work towards valuable ideas and provi …

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