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18ruj, 24/ 1 view

New customer KRONOSPAN Croatia

E-Mobility community is growing  every day and we at CEV technologies are happy to support development of eMobility with our B2B customers. New CEV technologies customer KRONOSPAN Croatia decided to go for BEV company cars and they choosed us to take care of charging infrastucture „charging at work“ for them. We have installed KEBA chargers on …

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02ruj, 24/ 1 view

MAKING – OF „ Retail eMobility story „

To create a new category of products in retail business is not an easy work to do and this is exactly what we at CEV technologies are doing. Funny how business development of new industry crosses you with industry , you grew up in. In my case that would be retail industry from beginning of my career. From that point of view i know very well that re …

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03stu, 23/ 1 view

Besplatan promo period punjenja

„METRO i CEV technologies su u periodu od 01.11.2023 god. do 30.11.2023 god. osigurali promo period besplatnog punjenja BEV vozila na lokacijama METRO Zagreb Jankomir i METRO Zagreb Sesvete. Raduje nas početak izgradnje CX i customer supporta kroz eMobility projekt. Naravno u fokusu su METRO klijenti, za koje u budućnosti pripremamo razne benefite …

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31lis, 23/ 1 view

SAP value story for with CEV Technologie

CEV Technologies: Enabling New Business Models for Customers Using E-Mobility Software Learn how CEV Technologies is working on an EV charging solution that’s adaptable for all types of business-to-business clients using SAP E-Mobility, part of SAP’s industry cloud portfolio. Viw more on this link …

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02lis, 23/ 1 view

HGK event

CEV technologies organized their first international conference: Smart energy & eMobility conference Europe 2023 at Croatian Chamber of Economy in Zagreb Croatia. We at CEV technologies are very happy that we organized our first  international conference at Croatian Chamber of Economy in Zagreb, Croatia, just on our companies second birthda …

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02lis, 23/ 1 view

Metro event

CEV technologies acquired first customer, it is METRO an international wholesale company. CEV technologies launched their first customer METRO in Zagreb, Croatia. On 28th September 2023, METRO oganized for that opening one event at location METRO Jankomir Zagreb. Together with METRO event was supported by CEV technologies software vendor/partner SA …

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02lis, 23/ 1 view


Our CEO, Ivica Blažević made a statement to the Poslovni dnevnik magazine about issues and solutions of EV charging activities in Croatia and worldwide. Read complete article on Poslovni dnevnik 27.09.2023 Zagreb, Croatia …

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Električni auti
30ruj, 23/ 1 view

Green and digital

Not only does e-mobility change the face of transport, it is also a driver of economic development. It encourages innovation, creates jobs and new technologies. It is believed that the electric vehicle market alone will reach a trillion dollars in the coming period at the global level. Read complete article on Lidermedia …

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